First off, an example of the COT-CAUGHT merger. "Spaw day":
Secondly, for those of you following the history of people saying things like 'happay' instead of 'happy' in pop music, I found an interesting early example. From Boney M, their 1976 cover of "Sunny."
"Sunnih, sunnay"
What does this mean for the theory? It's unclear - the lead singer, Liz Mitchell, was born in Jamaica and then moved to London at 11 years of age. Young enough for her to pick up influence from other Londoners, and that's where I posit the "-y" breaking originated. In any case, this is one of the clearest examples from the 70s I've heard, so enjoy, and have a sunny day.
Finally, a fun bit of etymology for you: 'cloud' and 'clod' share the same origin. I was alerted to this bit of trivia by the book "Clouds of Old Naples", and had it confirmed by Etymonline. What word did English speakers use for 'cloud' before comparing it to a rock? Welkin!